2 min read

RI#223 - Tech tools/20-20 rule/Personal AI companion

RI#223 - Tech tools/20-20 rule/Personal AI companion
Photo by Norbert Kundrak / Unsplash

Hello people !

I’m Alex, the author of the Rabbit Ideas Newsletter. Every week I find useful resources online and share them with you.

Let's check this week's links!

🌐 Websites

  • Stackradar is a curation of the best tech tools on the internet to help anyone transform and scale their work.
  • Use AI to help boost your flow and save hours of work. Generate high quality content with whatwide's AI.

📝 Articles

  • Ask yourself these two questions before you keep something ‘just in case’
    Use the 20/20 rule to figure out what you really need to keep.
  • Is washing ourselves very frequently necessary? Some experts believe that everyday showering is based more on a 'social contract' than actual need.

📱 Apps

  • Mia transforms every interesting interaction into a sustainable business (and/or personal) relationship by unifying the view of all your contacts, documenting the points of interest, and reminding you to stay in touch. /Android, iOS
  • Viva is your personal AI companion! Dive into a seamless experience of tailored conversations and cherished memories. Enjoy personalized greetings, effortless voice interactions, and a friendship that grows with every chat. /Android, iOS

✨ Inspiration

man sitting on cliff
Photo by Ian Stauffer / Unsplash

🔝 Last issue's most clicked

An effortless way to improve your memory
A surprisingly potent technique can boost your short and long-term recall – and it appears to help everyone from students to Alzheimer’s patients.

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