1 min read

Rabbit Ideas #079

So after a busy week we are here again to share with you what we found useful and interesting on the web.


  • Learn English idioms the fun way — so you can understand what native speakers are actually talking about. Oh, and you can also translate it to your native language.



  • Become more self aware with self quantified data. Tab-It tracks matters, called Tabs, most important to you. Tabs can be anything you want, like energy, depression, anxiety, and productivity. Rate your Tabs from 1-10 throughout your day, tabulating your highs, lows, and everything in between. Compile your various Tabs to observe how they influence and affect each other. /iOS

  • Singlebox is an all-in-one messaging & emailing app - a single place for all your web services and accounts, including Discord, WhatsApp, Messenger, Slack, Telegram and many many more. /MacOS, Windows, Linux

Something to think about

The era of 'rapid' climate change has begun

Thank you for reading!
