Rabbit Ideas #056
Hello people! March is here and we have some nice things to share with you. Let's go!
- List of services that offer zero knowledge or end-to-end encryption.
- Nut butters are often thought of as a calorie-packed no-no when it comes to healthy eating. But is their bad reputation unearned?
- I used to sleep with my phone to my head. Bad idea.
- Moontells is a personal planner which gives daily insights on favourable and unfavourable events of the Moon day. Follow the Moon to enhance the quality of your life and plan efficiently. Synchronize with the Moon! /Web
- From meditations to mood journaling to breathing exercises, Callie has everything you need to help you feel your best. /iOS
- AL0 is an application launcher designed to turn your smartphone into an essential tool. Apps and notifications can be annoying, AL0 replaces your smartphone's functionality and user interface filtering out unwanted distractions. Experience a minimalist device that supports phone calls, sms and a the few other features. /Android

Thank you for reading!
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