Rabbit Ideas #011
Hi, people! From now on a new section is included in the newsletter. It is called Inspiration and will contain quotes, photos, music, video or any other kind of media that inspires in some way the author of the newsletter.
Now let's check the info!
- You may have heard about the chatbots that answer all your questions on some websites. Juju.io gives you the opportunity to create your own chatbot, which will help you keep your business running in these tought times. The free plan give you basic options with up to 100 conversations a month.
- Even under quarantine, I have managed to visit museums at Italy, Greece and France. And I'm just getting started! How is this possible? With Virtual Museums you can explore the world's museums without even leaving your couch.
- MentionedBy allows you to keep track of every mention of your site on the internet. You just add a snippet of code to your website and MentionedBy takes care of the rest.
- I don't want to be a bad prophet, but I feel in the next years we will be more and more willing to keep our privacy both offline and online. That's why you will see more and more privacy related materials in our newsletter. Wired have some useful tips for covering your tracks every time you go online.
- In these times of self isolation people have time to read, watch movies and listen to music. And while we love to read new books and watch new movies, with music it's kinda different.
Our brains reward us for seeking out what we already know. So why should we reach to listen to something we don’t?
- In my search for the greatest way of organizing projects I will probably send you hundreds of app suggestions. Here is one: Stacks - Your personal kanban* to do and project manager
*kanban - a visual system for managing work as it moves through a process.

Well, this was all for this issue. I hope you found something useful for yourself.
Don't forget to share our newsletter with your friends!
See you next Sunday!
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